Runway is an upcoming movie directed by Sunil Tiwary. It stars Lucky Ali, Tulip Joshi and Amarjeet Shukla in the main roles. The music is done by Shamir Tandon with lyrics from Shabbir Ahmed . Again, I am the first to upload the songs, and I have not even heard them, so have no idea how the songs are??? While the film is to be released on 26 June, 2009. I hope you like the songs!
Free Direct MP3 Links! To Download songs of Runway,
Right click on a song and choose 'Save Target As'. Enjoy!
- Khuda Ke Liye - Mustafa Zahid
- Khuda Ke Liye - Remix - Mustafa Zahid
- Pyaasi Machuriya - Sunidhi Chauhan
- Roshan Dil Ka Jahan - Shaan,Sunidhi Chauhan
- Roshan Dil Ka Jahan - Dance Mix
- Teri Yaadein Leke Dil Mein - K K
- Teri Yaadein - Remix - K K