Monday, October 18, 2010

Download Collection Application for Mobile 2009-2010 « |Mobile| 21.30 MB

Collection Application for Mobile 2009-2010 | 23 Mb

This collection contains many useful programs for mobile phones for 2009-2010. It will be useful for all occasions. It will be useful both at work and tuition, and for entertainment purposes. In it you will find many reference books on mathematics, lessons on first aid, a reminder to drivers and so much more interesting.


Program for 2009:

Climate Control (weather in the phone, many cities, with updating via GPRS)

Dictionary_1.0_full ENG-RUS (Dictionary 2 meters)

Facewarp (fotkaesh and in Photoshop or in a distorting mirror! Sohranyaesh pictures! Funny! Very!)

File_Protect_1.0.rar Protect files on your phone

Jimm (0.5.1) MIDP2.rar Jimm (icq client (v 0.5.1) for midp2)

JMailAgent (0.7.50) MIDP2.rar Mobile Mail.Ru Agent.Ispolzuet MMP 1.7 + send SMS. Attention! Free discount send sms to any number ...

Jzipman.rar Archiver for SE (to browse the file system, enter the path / c: / for the phone or / e: / for MemoryStick.)

MicrosoftExcel.rar Excel spreadsheets

MicrosoftNotepad.rar Notebook

MicrosoftPaint.rar graphics editor Paint

Editor MicrosoftWord.rar Word

MobileLexicon.rar MobileLexicon RUS-ENG-RUS Dictionary

OperaMini (1.25). Rar Opera mini (1.25) (http client)

Os3e_Anekdots_ (RUS). Rar Os3e Anekdots (jokes with updating via GPRS)

SmsBoxK700.rar collection of bright, fresh and lively SMS for Lovers

SmsBox.rar Collection of more than 500 SMS-templates divided by 18 and topics

AntiGnat.rar Cast mosquito repellents

AdvancedPersonalWallet.rar Advanced Personal Wallet (Notebook modern man)

AlcoholCalculator.rar Calculate the percentage of alcohol in the blood

AnalogClock.rar Analog Clock

Defines BarCode.rar loyalty bar code and the country - the manufacturer of the goods

BatteryRebuildAndMaint.rar Fast Discharging

BlueChat1.0.rar Chat via Bluetooth

BreathTraining.rar breath training

CalcModern.rar Advanced Calculator

Calc.rar simple calculator

Compass.rar Compass

Converter_rus.rar Converters in Russian.

Converter_w800.rar Converters

Countries.rar Directory "on other countries and continents"

DateToDate.rar Calculator "from date to date"

Dictionary.rar DICTIONARY FOR 3874 WORDS

Lessons FirstAid.rar first aid

Fonarik.rar Inclusion flashlight for SE

FromLanguage2Language.rar Translated from Spanish into English and vice versa

FuelCalc.rar Program for calculating fuel for motorists

Galstuk1.rar Learn to tie a tie 1

Galstuk2.rar Learn to tie a tie 2

GlobalTime.rar World Time

HourlyEvent.rar program pronounces in hearing the current hour and minutes, Russian interface

InternetExplorer.rar Reworked Opera

IRCClient.rar Irc client for SE

Jimm (0.5.1) MIDP2.rar Jimm (icq client (v 0.5.1) for midp2)

JMailAgent (0.7.50) MIDP2.rar Mobile Mail.Ru Agent.Ispolzuet MMP 1.7 + send SMS. Attention! Free discount send sms to any number ...

Jzipman.rar Archiver for SE (to browse the file system, enter the path / c: / for the phone or / e: / for MemoryStick.)

Jzipman86rus.rar Arhivator-razarhivator in Java

Kamasutra.rar Kamasutra

Karaoke.rar Mobile Karaoke

Lighter.rar choice of color, the choice of the gradient, the choice of the length of the signal, sound, vibration, displaying Morse code imposed by the text (including in Russian)

MailMan.rar Email client MailMan check mailbox

Mathematics.rar Handbook of Mathematics

Mathematics_Algebra.rar algebra textbook in JAVA

Matikar_rus.rar Calculation of geometric forms (Russian version)

Matikar.rar Calculation of geometric forms

MendeleevTable.rar Spreadsheet Mendeleev

Calendar Menstral.rar critical days in women

MicrosoftExcel.rar Excel spreadsheets

MicrosoftNotepad.rar Notebook

MicrosoftPaint.rar graphics editor Paint

Editor MicrosoftWord.rar Word

MobileCodes. Rar program to calculate the prefix operator

MobileLexicon.rar MobileLexicon RUS-ENG-RUS Dictionary

MobilePrint.rar Printing pictures from your phone

MobyExplorer.rar MobyExplorer (+ crack) (other than file and FTP-Manager)

MoneyManager.rar Money Management

MotoClock.rar Watches

MSI_BluePlayer_0604.rar player in the town of Java on the computer corporation MSI! One "but": mp3 not be played directly on your phone. For progiryvaniya tunes you first need to find on BlueTooth headset.

Opera mini (1.25) (http client)

Os3e_Anekdots_ (RUS). Rar Os3e Anekdots (jokes with updating via GPRS)

PaintCAD Best prog to draw in the phone - now BLACK

PartnerCompatibility.rar compatible partners

PhoneManager1.0.rar File Manager

PhonePasswordBase.rar telephone book under password

PhotoBlaster.rar Photo Editor

Physics.rar Handbook of Physics

ReadManiac (when you need to read the text in a different encoding than the win-1251)

Rss.rar RSS Reader

Secrets.rar secret codes for phones

Shopper.rar Shopper (your own shopping list of different products)

MiniExcel.v1.50.Java .. rar Excel adapted to J2ME

SmsBoxK700.rar collection of bright, fresh and lively SMS for Lovers

SmsBox.rar Collection of more than 500 SMS-templates divided by 18 and topics

Collection Sms_box_liked.rar fun SMS-templates broken

SolSys.jar solar system

Sysinfo_1.9.3.rar Gathering information about the telephone (Russian version, the full archive)

TequilaCat BookReader for cribs and read books txt

TextEditor.rar Text editor with access to the file system, maintaining files on your phone or memory card. The possibilities are many, supports various encodings (Win-1251, KOI-8, DOS-866 and Unicode UTF8)

Tvcontrol.rar TVControl

Three-dimensional version WorldClock3Dw800.rar hours

WorldClock.rar hours in different zones

WorldMate.rar Displays time in different zones, weather, currency exchange rates

ZnakiDvigenia.rar program with signs traffic Russia

Znaki.rar Memo driver.



Program for 2010:

Mathematics.rar Handbook of Mathematics

FuelCalc.rar Program for calculating fuel for motorists

Lessons FirstAid.rar first aid

MoneyManager.rar Money Management

Climate Control (weather in the phone, many cities, with updating via GPRS)

Dictionary_1.0_full ENG-RUS (Dictionary 2 meters)

Facewarp (fotkaesh and in Photoshop or in a distorting mirror! Sohranyaesh pictures! Funny! Very!)

File_Protect_1.0.rar Protect files on your phone

Jimm (0.5.1) MIDP2.rar Jimm (icq client (v 0.5.1) for midp2)

JMailAgent (0.7.50) MIDP2.rar Mobile Mail.Ru Agent.Ispolzuet MMP 1.7 Sending SMS. Attention! Free discount send sms on any number ...

Jzipman.rar Archiver for SE (to browse the file system, enter the path / c: / for the phone or / e: / for MemoryStick.)

MicrosoftExcel.rar Excel spreadsheets

MicrosoftNotepad.rar Notebook

MicrosoftPaint.rar graphics editor Paint

Editor MicrosoftWord.rar Word

MobileLexicon.rar MobileLexicon RUS-ENG-RUS Dictionary

OperaMini (1.25). Rar Opera mini (1.25) (http client)

Os3e_Anekdots_ (RUS). Rar Os3e Anekdots (jokes with updating via GPRS)

SmsBoxK700.rar collection of bright, fresh and lively SMS for Lovers

SmsBox.rar Collection of more than 500 SMS-templates divided by 18 and topics

AntiGnat.rar Cast mosquito repellents

AdvancedPersonalWallet.rar Advanced Personal Wallet (Notebook modern man)

AlcoholCalculator.rar Calculate the percentage of alcohol in the blood

AnalogClock.rar Analog Clock

Defines BarCode.rar loyalty bar code and the country - the manufacturer of the goods

BatteryRebuildAndMaint.rar Fast Discharging

BlueChat1.0.rar Chat via Bluetooth

BreathTraining.rar breath training

CalcModern.rar Advanced Calculator

Calc.rar simple calculator

Compass.rar Compass

Converter_rus.rar Converters in Russian.

Converter_w800.rar Converters

Countries.rar Directory "on other countries and continents"

DateToDate.rar Calculator "from date to date"

Dictionary.rar DICTIONARY FOR 3874 WORDS

Fonarik.rar Inclusion flashlight for SE

FromLanguage2Language.rar Translated from Spanish into English and vice versa

Galstuk1.rar Learn to tie a tie 1

Galstuk2.rar Learn to tie a tie 2

GlobalTime.rar World Time

HourlyEvent.rar program pronounces in hearing the current hour and minutes, Russian interface

InternetExplorer.rar Reworked Opera

IRCClient.rar Irc client for SE

Jimm (0.5.1) MIDP2.rar Jimm (icq client (v 0.5.1) for midp2)

JMailAgent (0.7.50) MIDP2.rar Mobile Mail.Ru Agent.Ispolzuet MMP 1.7 Sending SMS. Attention! Free discount send sms to any number ...

Jzipman.rar Archiver for SE (to browse the file system, enter the path / c: / for the phone or / e: / for MemoryStick.)

Jzipman86rus.rar Arhivator-razarhivator in Java

Kamasutra.rar Kamasutra

Karaoke.rar Mobile Karaoke

Lighter.rar choice of color, the choice of the gradient, the choice of the length of the signal, sound, vibration, displaying Morse code imposed by the text (including in Russian)

MailMan.rar Email client MailMan check mailbox


Textbook Mathematics.rar Handbook matematikek on algebra in JAVA

Matikar_rus.rar Calculation of geometric forms (Russian version)

Matikar.rar Calculation of geometric forms

MendeleevTable.rar Spreadsheet Mendeleev

Calendar Menstral.rar critical days in women

MicrosoftExcel.rar Excel spreadsheets

MicrosoftNotepad.rar Notebook

MicrosoftPaint.rar graphics editor Paint

Editor MicrosoftWord.rar Word

MobileCodes. Rar program to calculate the prefix operator

MobileLexicon.rar MobileLexicon RUS-ENG-RUS Dictionary

MobilePrint.rar Printing pictures from your phone

MobyExplorer.rar MobyExplorer (crack) (other than file and FTP-Manager)

MotoClock.rar Watches

MSI_BluePlayer_0604.rar player in the town of Java on the computer corporation MSI! One "but": mp3 not be played directly on your phone. For progiryvaniya tunes you first need to find on BlueTooth headset.

Opera mini (1.25) (http client)

Os3e_Anekdots_ (RUS). Rar Os3e Anekdots (jokes with updating via GPRS)

PaintCAD Best prog to draw in the phone - now BLACK

PartnerCompatibility.rar compatible partners

PhoneManager1.0.rar File Manager

PhonePasswordBase.rar telephone book under password

PhotoBlaster.rar Photo Editor

Physics.rar Handbook of Physics

ReadManiac (when you need to read the text in a different encoding than the win-1251)

Rss.rar RSS Reader

Secrets.rar secret codes for phones

Shopper.rar Shopper (your own shopping list of different products)

MiniExcel.v1.50.Java .. rar Excel adapted to J2ME

SmsBoxK700.rar collection of bright, fresh and lively SMS for Lovers

SmsBox.rar Collection of more than 500 SMS-templates divided by 18 and topics

Collection Sms_box_liked.rar fun SMS-templates broken

SolSys.jar solar system

Sysinfo_1.9.3.rar Gathering information about the telephone (Russian version, the full archive)

TequilaCat BookReader for cribs and read books txt

TextEditor.rar Text editor with access to the file system, maintaining files on your phone or memory card. The possibilities are many, supports various encodings (Win-1251, KOI-8, DOS-866 and Unicode UTF8)

Tvcontrol.rar TVControl

Three-dimensional version WorldClock3Dw800.rar hours

WorldClock.rar hours in different zones

WorldMate.rar Displays time in different zones, weather, currency exchange rates

ZnakiDvigenia.rar program with signs traffic Russia

Znaki.rar Memo driver.

Collection Application for Mobile 2009-2010 | 21.30 MB

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