Genre : Comedy, Drama
Starcast : Akshay Kumar, Aishwarya Rai, Neha Dhupia, Randhir Kapoor
Bunty is madly in love with his girlfriend, Tanya, but is petrified of marriage because of his parents Kishen and Mala`s strained marital relationship. Meanwhile, Tanya`s grandfather, Professor Anthony Gonsalves, warns Bunty to take a call to either get married to her or stop seeing her! To top it all, Bunty`s surprise party for his parents 35th wedding anniversary turns into an absolute disaster as yet another explosive fight breaks out between his parents. Finally, Bunty decides to go back in time to transform his nerdy father and tomboy mother into an eligible bachelor and a graceful beauty. He needs to make them fall in love and at the same time make his grandparents agree to their marriage! Only then will his own love story finally be complete.
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