Veer is an upcoming movie starring Salman Khan, Mithun Chakraborty, Lisa Lazarus, Jackie Shroff, Sohail Khan and Neena in pivotal roles. The story was written by Sallu Mia about 20 years ago and, now the dream has come true, it's being directed by the Anil Sharma (Director of Gadar). My expectations are very high, lets hope the Wanted (IPS officer) strikes again when released on 22 January 2010...
Oh! alot of talking from me, I hope you love the songs..
- Kanha - Thumri - Rekha Bhardwaj, Sharib Toshi, Shabab Sabri
- Meherbaniyan - Sonu Nigam
- Salaam Aaya - Roop Kumar Rathod, Shreya Ghoshal, Suzanne D`Mello
- Surili Akhiyon Wale - Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Suzanne D`Mello
- Surili Akhiyon Wale - Duet - Sunidhi Chauhan, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Suzanne
- Taali - Sukhwinder Singh
- Taali - Solo - Sukhwinder Singh
- Spirit Of Veer - Instrumental